The 2021 "Hammered: an Ode to Mickey Spillane" Author Challenge

Fans of gritty hard-boiled noir rejoice! We've got an Author Challenge just for you!

Here's more from the creator and organizer of this event ChloeTzang:What this writing event all about? Well, it's an invitation to anyone on Literotica to try their hand at writing a story in that hard-boiled noir style of Mickey Spillane, the king of the post-WW2 pulp novelists, and it's an Ode to Mickey Spillane, so think gritty, dark, and overflowing with violence and sex in the best traditions of Spillane's Mike Hammer. Spillane knew he was writing pulp, and his guiding principle serves as the theme for this event "violence will outsell sex every time," but, "combined, they will outsell everything."

So there you go, the guiding principles, and if you're still not sure, go read a couple of Spillane's Mike Hammer novels and go for it. Vivid descriptions. Short words. Fast transitions. Violence. Sex. Stereotyping and caricatures. Minimalism. The suggestion that allows your imagination to fill in the blanks. Like Spillane's writing. Set the scene. Switch to dialogue. Anyhow, the intent of this event is, well, to write something that reflects Spillane's stylistic approach to writing as much as anything. Call it noir. Call it hard-boiled. I'd say, as much as anything, go for the style, the violence and the sex, but really, interpret it any way you like, and…

Now, this Literotica story event is Open, which means its open to anyone who wants to write for it. If you're a first time writer, or this is the first time you're thinking about doing a story for an "Event" or a Competition on Literotica, hey, give it a try. This ain't a competition, it's open to everyone, from the complete novice to the writers that have been here since Literotica first started. Also, there no scores, no placing, and no prizes. This is just writing for fun with a bunch of other people doing the same thing.

The Go-Live date is 1 October 2021, and you'll be able to start submitting from 1 September, 2021, so it's a while for readers to wait, but that gives you writers more than enough time to put something together. So without further ado, are you interested in writing for the "Hammered – an Ode to Mickey Spillane" Story Event? First time writers and veteran Literoticans alike are invited and encouraged to participate. You'll be in good company.

So what are you waiting for? Next year? Get writing!

And all of that said, well, how did I come up with this one? I'd never heard of Mickey Spillane until I started reading Noir novels, and I came to him via Raymond Chandler, and Dashiell Hammett. I started with "I, the Jury," Spillane's first novel, and the book that introduced the world to his most enduring character, Mike Hammer. Sex and violence, poetically foul language, and a staggering level of alcohol consumption; what's not to love? As someone talking about Spillane said, "You don't read Mickey Spillane. You LIVE him. And you can't study him. You just let him smack you around a bit before putting the book down."

One of the twentieth century's bestselling authors, Spillane appeared on America's literary radar in the late 1940's. The paperback explosion of the fifties created demand, and Spillane gave readers what they wanted. His plots were impossibly reliant on coincidence, his characters cartoons, the violence and sex and misogyny so over the top as to be silly. It was fun, goddamn it, packaged up with the kind of sleazy and sensational covers that caused men who had charged machine gun nests to hide them because they were afraid of their wives finding them.

Mickey Spillane changed noir fiction forever when he loosed Mike Hammer on the world. Mike Hammer. A hero made out of pure machismo, slathered in sex and invigorated by violence. Welcome to the world of Mickey Spillane. A world of dames, dolls and palookas, hoods and rats and stories written like a punch to the gut. Stories with straightforward plots, and conclusions drawn from bruises and bullet holes, with a trail of dead bodies leading to the usual suspects, where the last man (or woman) standing was the guilty party. A time when men were mighty, women were cheap, and the booze and clues flowed freely.

This was the world of Mickey Spillane, and "Hammered – an Ode to Mickey Spillane" aims to bring you a collection of stories written as a tribute to that greatest of American Authors.

And now, thank you to the readers who make Literotica a fun place to write, and thanks to Laurel and the site for giving us a place to post our stories, and come up with whacky story events like this one. Sex and Violence, you got it comin', guys 'n dames!

Please read all the rules and guidelines to make sure your work is included in this author challenge.

Hammered – an Ode to Mickey SpillaneOpen to all authors (please read the announcement).

organizer: ChloeTzang

challenge date: final anthology list posted on October 1st

submit your story: September 1-30th (stories submitted & posted)

Rules & Guidelines1) Stay more or less with the theme.2) You must include the phrase "Hammered – an Ode to Mickey Spillane" (quote marks not needed) in the "Notes to Admin" field so that Lit can find the stories and add them to the challenge.3) You can write in any category and any length, as long as you keep in mind Rule #1.

Please see the Hammered – an Ode to Mickey Spillane Support Thread if you have questions, need clarification, or just want to discuss the event with the participating authors.

If you've got an idea for a themed writing challenge, feel free to contact us anytime! We're open to anyone organizing a new event.

And if you're looking for a fun way to stretch your skills, check out our list of current author-organized challenges!

We at Literotica thank all the readers who have supported the site and the writers by way of views, votes and comments.

And a big thank-you to ChloeTzang for creating and organizing this awesome event.


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