Mrs Wild: 01. Ultra-Ego is Formed

Mrs Wild: An Ultra-Ego is Formed

From the view of Mrs Wild.

I got out of my car and went inside to set up the experiments as well as my own first experiment. I was wet with excitement.

It was about six months ago when my journey started and I became, who I am now. It was a change I enjoyed. I felt like a new woman and with humiliation and payback on my mind.


Six months earlier, I was driving to my meeting with Michelle. She was a couple of years younger than me, must have been in her early sixties now. We met when Michelle was an undergraduate and I was her mentor and had been friends ever since. She was the person I trusted the most in the world, along with Howard, my husband.

Michelle, who swapped a science career for one with the police and now was a private investigator. A highly regarded one too.

My case had been several months in the making. I said how I didn't want to hear anything until she had all the facts together.

My husband, Howard, and I were quite rich now, but it hadn't always been that way. We started a company in the pharmaceutical industry and over forty years, it had grown to a multi-million-pound company. I hadn't been involved in the operation for well over fifteen years now. It enabled me to do consultancy work for a company, who dealt with genetics and do charity work at several schools. I didn't need the money, I did them out of interest and Howard supported me.

One of the Directors at our company, Liz, I never liked. Liz had worked for the company for over twenty years and was now on the board. Howard would never hear a bad word against her, but I didn't trust her and had seen a lot of the money in the business just seem to disappear. I asked Michelle for some help.

When Michelle arranged to meet up, I did think it was unlike Michelle to arrange for our meeting to be at a random place, out of town and at a quiet café. That was because I didn't realise what Michelle had uncovered, though.


As I approached Michelle at the coffee table, I saw all the documents on the table. She had done a lot of work, but it wasn't what I was worried about. It was the look on her face. She looked worried, upset and on edge. I hadn't seen her like his before. The worry had seemed to age her. She was always the prettier one, slim, tallish at 5-feet-5-inches, and with her long blonde hair.

After she saw me, she got up and started to look out of the window, like if she was seeing if I was followed.

"Are you ok, Michelle?" I asked sounding concerned before I kissed her on the cheek.

"Did you think you were followed? Howard doesn't know you are meeting me?" Michelle quickly asked, sounding very concerned. Her piercing blue eyes were full of upset.

"No and no, Michelle... please don't worry. I have kept this all to myself, as we had planned."

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Sheila, I found out a lot and it's not what you think. I'm glad that as a friend, I can be the one to explain everything and before I start, I want you to know I will support you through it all."

She went to get a couple of coffees before she started to explain what had been working on. I knew it was bad news, but I would never have guessed what had been happening.

We were there for well over an hour and I left with an A4 folder of detailed information. At the time, this wasn't on the most forefront of my mind, but Michelle was excellent and incredibly thorough with her work, as I would continuingly find out.


When I got back in my car, I broke down with what I had found out. I let all my emotions out. Although I did not know what I would become or how I would deal with the grief then; I knew that I had to not show Howard any signs of what I did know.

I played it all over in my mind repeatedly during my journey home. The bullying, the sex, the affairs. All at the company I jointly owned, all involving Howard. It was like I was hearing about a different man. I didn't know if my mind was playing tricks on me, but I started to see how it had all become possible. The time it all started made sense. The money over the years spent on 'entertaining customers' was just on entertaining themselves, trips away, not to mention on boob jobs.

It was like, well, the last fifteen years flashed before me. The encouragement for me to take a step back and enjoy my work more; this was so I wasn't involved in the day to day running of the company. My purpose-built annex, where I worked freely practicing experiments to hopefully help society with cures for diseases. All paid for by Howard; this was so I wasn't thinking about anything else, not questioning the obvious. The reasons for why we didn't have a lot of sex. The 'it's me not you,' 'I'm older than you,' 'I haven't got the energy,' comments Howard said; this was just because he wanted to fuck other people.

I saw it all clearly now.

I realised just why Michelle was so upset and concerned. Many years ago, she had gone through two divorces where her husbands cheated on her with numerous affairs. I had helped her through that. Especially with the issue over one of the women, I felt guilty for what happened to her. It probably brought us closer together as friends.

I guess it brought everything back to her too. I hated Howard for that now as well as myself for asking Michelle to help, but I now needed her help more than ever and she realised that. Her hatred for Howard and some of the others was there.

At the time, she wanted payback more than me and was concerned how I was bottling up my emotions. I needed time to think, to digest the information, the great levels of depravity. Michelle's anger was nowhere near to the level I was at now and in this time, I had thought through a plan.


I lay in bed next to Howard that night. The ignorance from him, I mistook for his embarrassment, I now could clearly see through. It had been over ten hours since I had found out and that night, I lay there alone and untouched and started to work out my plan of revenge for the first time.

With each photo, each piece of information Michelle passed across.


I loved science. I thought I would make it all one great big experiment for the greater good of all involved and never to be involved with such horrible, nasty, egotistic people again. I would draw up a list and work through it and make sure they learnt their lessons; they were shown up for what they were. My research for cures for diseases would now be for punishment for those who had crossed me or any other innocent unsuspecting people.

It was ironic I was laughing at affairs in the morning. I heard about them going on where I worked part-time. I scoffed at this behaviour. Now it made me enraged with anger and the need to inflict pain and humiliation.

I decided even these people would get a dose of my medicine too.

The documents provided were so detailed around some of these people. I didn't know where to start, then I thought I wouldn't start at the list. I would set up my operation first.

As for Howard, he thought he was the one in control, but that was over now. I would be the one pulling his strings, even if he didn't know it.


The advantage of having money is that you could make projects happen quickly and within four months, I had the extension put into my annex, and all paid for by Howard. He didn't even care what I was doing in there. In fact, he hardly ever visited my annex. He was obviously too busy working on other areas.

I had met up with Michelle who I had paid more money to, so she could continue her investigation. I wanted to celebrate the progress with a friend. She was keen to find out my plans, but I had to hold them back.

With my plan in hand, I felt like a new woman, with a new purpose. For the first time in years, I had started to feel quite turned on by it all and had certainly sampled out some of my dildos and vibrators from my new laboratory.

I was never the most attractive woman; in fact, I was the one who was the final pick; the final choice. I had always dressed like a bit of a geek; I was a scientist after all. Howard was my only second boyfriend. He was no oil painting either.

Like me, he hadn't aged well. He was pushing seventy years old now and looked like it although, in recent years, he had been starting to spend more time looking after himself, with diets, haircuts, more expensive clothes, and manicures.

The money and power seemed to have changed him, and he was no longer the one on the side-lines but the alpha now.

My appearance and the betrayal no longer concerned me. I felt like I had accepted my appearance now, more than at any time in my life.

With Michelle now gone, I was in the Annex and reading the file notes. This time on what on the surface seemed to be Howard's second affair. As expected, she was much younger than me, a good decade, and fifteen years younger than Howard. She was quite attractive and still was now, but her best asset, without doubt, were her boobs. They were big ones, both back then and even now they looked big.

Howard tended to like big boobs and that wasn't a department I was ever blessed in. I had hovered around a 36B for the forty or so years we had been together. They got emptier, as I had aged.

His first affair started at the time when the menopause hit me. I was in my mid-fifties and it knocked me for six. Within a couple of years, I felt my appearance had gone downhill. I aged and most definitely looked my age. It was like mother nature had taken away my womb and all the femininity I ever had. I started to get hairs in places I never did before. I was conscious of my hands the most, which got quite hairy.

My hands always concerned me from a young age. I was of less than average height now, around 5-foot-2-inches, and was quite slim. It was only post-menopause I had gained it a bit, especially around my belly. I was a good size 12 these days, but throughout my life, I always had big manly hands, the addition of hair was not helping.

In my laboratory jacket, I always seemed to wear oversized glasses and had big hands on show. I probably did look like I was from a horror film. With my wrinkled turkey neck and short dyed brown hair, that added to the look.

I could have played the part of some crazy killer.

I looked at myself in the mirror, slowly changing my face from a quiet, unassuming smile, to a more menacing stare. Just that nuance made me look like a different woman. It was like, I could become a new character.

Moving away from the mirror, I closed the book and locked it away. Thinking about that busty woman from his second affair, and who would be sucking on her big boobs now, and the fun I would have with her.

In fact, I had already tested my treatment in the lab. I couldn't help laughing to myself at the thought, as I left the Annex and went back to the main house.

It was getting late and I fancied getting a treat from Howard. Well, it had been far too long to remember the last time I had had a cock inside me.

What was happening to me? I didn't normally think like this at all. I was changing rapidly.

Laughing almost hysterically to myself, but turned on too, for tomorrow would be my first experiment.


Howard got into bed after me like he did most nights. This time, I got out and went to the bathroom.

"Just remembered to wash my teeth, Howard," I said.

"Ok, my darling... night, night, in case I'm asleep when you get back in."

Oh, you won't be, Howard, I thought.

I got changed into a nice black silk short nightie I had recently bought. It made the most of my body I had. I took my glasses off and prepared myself.

"Oh, Howard..." I exclaimed as I came out of the bathroom.

"Sheila... you look... so... I'm sorry, you know I have issues, we have been through this before."

"Tonight will be different," I teased.

I could see his discomfort forming, especially as I pulled back the duvet, so he was just lay there in his boxers. His body was in good shape for a man pushing seventy, plus how many men that old shaved their pubes? That should have been a sign to me, that something was going on all those years ago too.

The best Howard got out of me was a slight trim of my pussy.

I crawled onto the bed and started stroking his cock.

I had never been as forward as this ever in my life.

"Oh, Sheila, please, I'm so sorry... I can't..." Howard said, just when his cock suddenly got very big and very quick. Not that I knew a lot about cocks, but Howard's was about 7", so probably slightly bigger than average, but I hadn't seen it that big before.

"I knew you had it in you, Howard."

Howard looked in complete shock.

"It must be my new sexy nightie. I thought I should start making more of an effort for you," I continued to say as I tugged his hard cock. Trying not to rip it off right there and then.

Howard's face was priceless.

He soon became more shocked when I casually got onto it and started riding him. I don't think I had been on top of him for maybe twenty years.

"I can't remember you ever being this big, Howard," I teased him, as I rode him aggressively.

The control I had of him and the look of absolute shock on his face was too much for me. I was so wet and turned on.

In the past few months, I had been working out a bit; I decided I needed to be fitter to carry out my new project and that extra fitness helped as I rode him hard.

"Do my boobs help you out, Howard?" I teased, as I gently pulled the shoulders of my nightie off and let my nightie slip all the way down, exposing my boobs. With no support, they just dangled there, all flat and lifeless.

I tried to wiggle a bit more and get them to jiggle. He must have liked that, as I could feel his cock swell up more inside my heavily wet pussy.

"That seems to have worked, Howard."

He still said nothing and just sat back as I rode him hard. Faster and faster I went. I must have been on top of him for a good twenty minutes and had orgasmed twice so far. That doubled my orgasms for the past twenty years.

I felt so good, and as I tired, I got off him.

I could tell from his face, that he was trying to work out why he was so hard, how had I turned him on so much.

"I've got to please you now, Howard... I can't believe your cock is so hard," I said, as I started to tug his cock. His foreskin peeled all the way back and his big helmet out. It must have been getting sore. His moans and groans getting louder, but he didn't speak, he was in such shock.

My big hands cupping his cock and I squeezed them harder and harder until his semen shoot straight out, only just missing my face. I moved his shaft, so I directed it all over my boobs.

"Oh, fuck... fuck, Sheila," Howard moaned loudly.

As I took my hand off his cock, I saw how red it was. He would be sore tomorrow. No naughtiness for him then. I tried not to laugh at the thought of his cock hurting him from rough sex with me.

"I don't know where that came from, Howard, but I could get used to that."

"I don't either, Sheila," Howard began to say.

"You should be saying your lovely wife and my new nightie," I snapped back, letting my guard down slightly.

"Oh yes, that too, Sheila. You... you certainly seem a little different, not just your nightie. Your shorter hair, you just seem different,"

"Good different?"

"Yes... you could say that."


As I lay in the bed, I could feel that Howard was restless. He couldn't work out what had happened to him.

It wasn't my nightie, or my shorter hair cut or even my slight weight loss, that lead to that reaction. I knew that he didn't fancy me anymore. A part of me didn't blame him, but I also knew that, well, from some information from Michelle, that Howard had visited the Doctor and had a subscription for some pills to, shall we say, help his performance.

I watched him more closely now and it didn't take me long to find where he hid them. Good old ugly boring wifey giving the hot cocoas at night felt like maybe he should use one of those pills to satisfy her needs.

His cocoa tonight certainly was a little hotter as I crushed and dissolved one of his tablets into his drink. I couldn't believe how effective the results were. It was like his cock got bigger, as well as being harder and hard for a long time.

I felt like I could reach across now and stroke his cock and he would be hard again. I had plans for tomorrow, though. I didn't want to get distracted. I started to think about the consequences of taking too many. The embarrassment it would cause him. He would have a massive hard-on all day. It wouldn't go unnoticed. A few ideas started to form in my mind, and I found myself holding back my laughter again.

I wanted to control Howard and even more so, I wanted to control that cock of his. Tonight, I did have complete control and it felt good.

Once these thoughts subsided, I soon was restless again with excitement about my plan for tomorrow.

I had planned it to be for the big-boobed woman from his second affair, but I decided I needed to be more brutal with my formula for her assets. The more I thought about what they did, the more wicked I wanted my revenge to be for each of them.

Then some dismissive remarks at school and another situation developed, that I needed to put a stop too. The woman Howard cheated on me with all those years ago could wait. Tomorrow was more preventative action, that I needed to carry out.


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