Kingdom of Blood - Intro

Author's Notes:

Hacins 2020 all rights reserved.

All characters engaging in sexual relationships or activities are 18 years old or older.

This story is sort of a harem fantasy, but while some characters will have sex, I want to focus my writing on the story itself. It's the first time I tried to write something like this so all critiques and comments are welcome!

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I was awakened by the sun shooting its rays across my face.

I lay with my eyes barely open, watching the flashes of light coming through the window. It was still early, I could tell, 'cause my room was still partly dark. That told me the sun was still low in the sky.

"How much did I drink last night?" I wondered, as I was unable to recall last night's events. I looked at my nightstand and on it, I saw a cup still filled with cheap wine. By the sour smell coming from the cup, I knew it was the wine served last night at the village tavern. The memories suddenly came rushing back as the smell entered my nostrils. The aroma would have been enough to make me want to puke on any given day, but today was even worse since I was fighting a horrible headache. I closed my eyes and covered my nose with the palm of my hand, as the memories of last night came crawling back.

I remembered going with my brother Carellus to the Cock and Bull for a drink after finishing our practice duel. I remembered cheering for my brother's victory in that same duel. It was my envy that probably made me drink more than I usually do. Then I recalled another thing. No, not a thing, a person, a girl. Yes, I remembered talking to a girl with the most amazing eyes I'd ever seen. Her eyes were the color of purest emeralds and they shone like falling stars. Her eyes went together perfectly with her autumn-red and curly hair falling over her shoulders... I wanted to remember more, but my memory faded as my headache hit.

Just like that, I was back in my bed lying perfectly numb, my eyes still closed in anticipation of my headache fading, so I could remember more details about the mysterious stranger I met last night. My headache vanished after a few minutes, which felt like an eternity, but no memories came in its place. I decided to open my eyes and look around the room for anything that might make me recall the missing pieces of last night. From my nightstand, my look trailed along the old ash floor. My gaze stopped at the woolen tunic. No memories came, but that wasn't surprising, as the tunic was mine and I usually slept without it. My eyes trailed farther along the floor until they found a wooden table at the corner of the room. I wouldn't normally pay any attention to the table, but something about it seemed out of place. I glanced at it and saw a few pieces of paper, a quill, an ink bottle, and a dress, wrinkled probably from last night's activities. I inspected the dress more closely. It was dark green, with a pattern of golden threads along both sleeves. I remembered that the girl from the tavern wore this dress last night, which could only mean that she must have come back here with me.

I quickly turned my head to the other side of the bed to find her lying there. She was covered to her waist with a blanket, but from the waist up she was naked, only her long curly hair hiding her exposed body.

The bed made a squicking sound as she slowly turned around. She yawned as she stretched her arms over her head. I knew I had limited time to come up with an excuse for why I din't remember everything from last night. At that moment a million thoughts were racing through my mind, but none were convincing enough for my missing memory. Before I could think of a good enough explanation for my lack of reminiscence, I was interrupted by her heavenly voice.

"Good morning," she whispered, her eyes partially closed but still focused on me.

"Good morning," I replied quietly, not wanting to antagonize her. I wanted to ask her what happened last night, what was her name, what land does she come from, and most importantly what did we do last night that she ended up naked in my bed? I must have had a confused expression on my face, because before I could ask any of those questions she rolled to her side, facing me, her beautiful eyes now fully opened as she giggled and asked, "You have no idea what happened last night or who I am, do you?"

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, turning them red with embarrassment. By the expression on her face, she didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that I didn't remember her. Maybe I should try bluffing my way out of it, but somehow my mind conjured my father's words. "Honesty is the greatest virtue," he used to say. "Only the greatest of men are honest at all times. That is why honesty is a foundation upon which greatness is built." I never gave much thought to my father's words, but in this situation, I decided to be guided by those words.

I gave myself another second to formulate the words I was about to say, knowing that they could be the last I said to this beautiful creature lying next to me. I finally opened my mouth, my lips dry from fear. "I'm truly sorry, M'Lady, but no I have no memories of last night's events, besides the pleasure I received from your company," I confess trying to paint her a compliment at the same time.

"So I'm a 'Lady' now." She smiled seductively. "Glad your sense of humor didn't go away now that you're sober. And for making me laugh this early in the morning, which is no small feat since I'm not a morning person at all, I will tell you everything you wish to know about last night."

I stared at those gorgeous sparkling eyes, making her smile all the more magical. The combination of her smile paired with her eyes and curly hair made her look divine, and I wished nothing more than to kiss her.

"Snap out of it!" I forced myself to ask her a question. "Would you please tell me what happened last night between us? All I can recall is that I talked to you, about what I can't tell. I'm truly sorry to put you in this situation, and for any discomfort I might have caused you."

"By the Lady, will you stop apologizing!" she demanded. "First off, I hate people who apologize too often. It makes them look dishonest. And don't ruin the image of yourself I created by coming out dishonest. Secondly, you were a gentleman, as far as a drunken young man can be, so don't worry about wounding my honor or whatever other crazy ideas are running through your head. You did offer to sleep on the floor so I could have the bed all to myself, after all. And lastly, my name is Aisling and I'm a simple merchant's daughter hailing from the Island of Eire to the north, not a Lady at all, so please don't call me a Lady," she said with a determined voice, that could easily lead armies, were she not a woman.

"The Island of Eire. That's at least a three-week journey from here," I said, remembering the map of the land I had to study as a child. "I recall it's a small island also called Emerald Island," I wanted to apologize for my lack of knowledge about the land she hails from, but I bit my tongue at the last second to keep my mouth shut.

"That's correct. The Island is famous for its green meadows and fields which stretch along the island, and also underground mines filled with precious stones," she said with pride. It was obvious that she loved her homeland. She took a moment to lick her lips, her tongue running along her upper lip. "I'm glad to see you weren't bluffing last night when you declared that you are the smartest person in the tavern," she said, holding back her laughter.

"What can I say? I'm an honest person," I answered, smiling at her, my left eye honoring her with a wink.

"I can see that," she said as she extended her hand to rub my swollen shoulder. When she touched me I noticed the discomfort in my arms and shoulders, the cause of which was probably the duel I lost yesterday. The pain seemed to slip away as her lips parted: "I can also see that you are strong. Another thing you weren't bluffing about last night." This time she couldn't contain her laughter as it burst out and the honeyed sound of her voice filled the quiet room.

I couldn't help but stare in amazement at her. This girl was something else. She could make a man's pain go away by her touch, and put him in a better mood just by her laughter alone. I wondered what other tricks she had in her arsenal, but one thing was sure, she was magical. "Will you please tell me more about last night?" I brought myself to ask her, trying to focus on last night and not on her.

She moved her hands to her face wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. "Of course! I told you I will. What do you want to know exactly?"

"Well, for now, only two things come to mind. First is, how far did we take it last night? And second, how come you're not embarrassed by lying here with a stranger?"

"Oh, is that all?" she exhaled. She seemed completely relaxed, as if she already had the answers drawn up. "Well for your first question, we didn't do anything besides kissing, and no, we didn't have sex if that's what you're wondering," she said. She seemed to be disappointed by that fact, indicated by the way her lower lip moved downwards, making a frown-face for a second.

Before I could comment on what she said she spoke again. "And before you can ask why am I naked in your bed, well that is quite simple. I hate sleeping in a dress. I have been on the road for the past ten days, and in those ten days I was unable to sleep freely even once. So when you offered me a warm bed I took it, and decided to make the most of it."

"How did you know I wouldn't force myself on you, make you do things you wouldn't want to?"

"Well, besides the fact that you were drunk, I didn't. But I can take care of myself. My brothers showed me how to use different kinds of weapons. And who said you would have to force yourself on me?" she asked seductively, her eyes meeting mine, her hand once again rubbing up and down my shoulder.

"But you didn't have any weapons on you last night," I said. I would surely have noticed if she was armed.

"Are you that certain that I don't have a blade hidden somewhere? There are things you men will never understand about women. One of those is our ability to hide things," she said mockingly.

I brushed off her mockery, not giving her the satisfaction of letting her know that it bothered me. I figured she was a tease. "And for my second question?"

"To answer your second question I must tell you about my culture, the culture of the Eirelanders," she said, with all seriousness. The expression on her face changed, from happy or carefree to a more serious one; she no longer smiled. "In our culture, we pride ourselves on our freedom. Freedom is the greatest virtue to us, the freedom to choose, the freedom to decide, the freedom to be. Even a simple farmer is respected in our culture if he chooses to be a farmer, and even a woman as myself is not frowned upon for lying with a man, if she so decides."

As she spoke I couldn't help but wonder what strange place she came from. "So does that mean anyone can be a leader or a warrior?" I asked in awe.

"No you misunderstood. I said you have the freedom to choose what you want; that doesn't mean that choice comes true. You cannot become a leader if no one follows you, if no one obeys you. In the same way, you cannot become a warrior if you do not know how to wield a weapon or if you are disgusted by the sight of blood," she explained.

"And what about you? Did you decide to be a merchant?" I asked.

"Who said I was a merchant?" she responded quickly, her voice changed like she was irritated by my question.

A disturbing silence followed for a moment, then I mustered the courage to speak. "Well, you said your father is a merchant, so I presumed..." before I could finish the sentence I was interrupted.

"You presumed?" expressing anger with her voice. "You believe because my father is a merchant I must be one, too? Well, I am not. I am a Skald, simply joining the caravan to my destination," she explained.

By her vivid reaction, there must be things she was hiding, but I decided it better to let it go even if there were things I wanted to know. Instead, I tried to change the subject to something she might enjoy. The subject of her culture and her island. "Your culture sounds so unique! I hope I get the chance to visit your island someday."

"Why don't you do it now?"

"Well, I can't go anywhere I want, be anyone I wish to be," I answered her quickly, with melancholy in my voice.

"But don't you crave adventure?" she pried, now with a worried expression painted on her gorgeous face.

"Of course I do. I wish to be part of some great adventure; to discover hidden places in our world, to permanently make a mark on this world. I wish that the name Althalos is forever engraved in history." I felt relief as I said those sentences.

I have often dreamed of a life full of adventure, finding ancient artifacts and uncovering the secrets of magic. I had never said these thoughts to anyone, not even my brother. They were my most guarded secrets, but here I was confessing my deepest secrets to Aisling, a girl I just met last night.

I told her more than I wished, but words were just spilling out of me. Something about her, the way she talked, looked, smelled, or maybe it was the combination of all of those things that were telling me I could trust her.

Aisling leaned closer to me, making me feel her warm breath on my lips. "I wish that you achieve your goal," she whispered, "but for now make me remember your name forever." Before I could react she pressed her soft lips against mine and we shared a passionate kiss. Words were no longer necessary. Passion took over.


Immediately I felt my blood rush to my groin as my left hand instinctively grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. "I need to redeem myself for my behavior last night," was all I could think of. I broke the kiss to catch my breath, and I felt her gasp. She immediately lay on my right arm, sighing as she tucked her face into the nape of my neck, nibbling at it.

I pressed her slightly harder against me, holding her, her large breasts pressed against me and my erect dick pressed against her thigh. Every breath she took pushed her breasts harder against me.

She suddenly paused and I took the opportunity to grab her chin and move her head from my neck to my face. Her lips were soft. I moved my hand from her chin down her shoulder before putting it on her lower back. I slowly explored and teased her with my tongue, becoming more insistent.

She groaned, then broke for air, and gasped out a slow seductive, "Wow." I moved my hand from her lower back to her perfectly round ass, which was still hidden under the cover, grabbing it. She didn't say anything, but let out a moan while rubbing her leg against mine. I took a shuddering breath.

I could feel the tight heat emitting from her body. My cock was still achingly hard, and I took a small, shuddering breath as Aisling reached down and touched it. I felt myself twitch, as she squeezed me.

"No," I said as I grabbed her hand pushing it down next to her head. I shifted and pushed myself on top of her.

I leaned in and whispered in her ear: "I'm going to pleasure you."

She let out another moan. Only a quiet, "please," left her lips as she arched her back, making her hard nipples press against my chest.

I pushed her against the bed before kissing her neck, nibbling her soft, smooth skin as I made my way down to her breasts. Drawing my lips down, I kissed her pink nipples softly and then started lightly sucking them. After a wonderful session on her breasts, I turned my attention to her flat belly.

Aisling shifted her legs, pushing the blanket away, uncovering more of her body as if she was inviting me to discover the lower parts of her.

Drawing my tongue down from her belly I stumbled on a straight line of red pubic hair, confirming her hair color was natural. She let out a deep breath as she was getting ready to say something. Before she got the chance, I glanced at her and said "You're so hot."

It seemed my words calmed her as she remained quiet, and I continued to kiss along her pubic hair, lifting her left leg and moving it on my shoulder, letting the blanket fall on the bed below. I Softy kissed the tip of her wet slit, teasing her as I started to kiss her inner thigh up to her knee.

Moving my way down her thigh again, she decided she'd had enough. She grabbed my head and moved it so my face was facing her tight pussy, glistering from her wetness.

My tongue started in earnest with the tip slipping along her entire slit, drawing her moisture to her clit. There I concentrated with quick little darts of the tongue, mixed with gentle sucking on the entire clit.

It seemed this rapidly drove her higher and higher, until her nails were deep in my shoulders, grabbing me hard. Her body language was screaming 'don't stop'. At that very instant the anticipation must have been so thrilling, so stimulating that she started to moan softly, "Yes, right there!" She was driven over the edge and came with wild thrashing and jerking of her entire body, making her legs lock tight. I kept lightly tonguing her until she murmured, "I want to feel you inside me."

I positioned myself on top of her and was just about to penetrate her when a loud knock on the door interrupted us. "WAKE UP! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE, YOU DRUNK!" a familiar voice shouted from outside my room. Before we could answer, the doors opened and the figure of a man stumbled in.


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